Raising a complaint
We want to make sure that everyone has the best possible experience of using Be Part of Research. We take complaints about our work, staff and levels of service very seriously.
If you would like to make a complaint, please follow the process below. We will work to resolve your complaint as quickly and effectively as possible, and learn from it to improve the quality of our service.
Any user of this site can make a complaint. We will help you progress any complaint, however we cannot resolve:
- Complaints about a research study or the study team staff involved in the study.
- Complaints about your clinical care from your healthcare provider.
If you have a complaint that is purely regarding the delivery or operation of the Be Part of Research website, then you should write to bepartofresearch@nihr.ac.uk or fill in the form on the 'Help with this site' page.
When you have made a complaint, we will:
- Send an email to you to let you know that we have received your complaint (if you have provided an email address).
- Investigate your complaint thoroughly, fairly and quickly, while working to an agreed outcome.
- Handle your complaint in a systematic, sympathetic and proportionate manner.
- Aim to resolve your complaint as fully as possible.
- All complaints will be treated with an appropriate degree of confidentiality, and information will only be shared with staff as necessary to the investigation.
Although we aim to answer everything we receive, we are unable to provide a response if your correspondence:
- Asks questions about topics outside of the Be Part of Research responsibility or remit.
- Contains offensive language.
- Is illegible or cannot be read.
- Is selling or promoting a product.