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+44 (0)113-39-24878
+44 (0)113 392 4869
Chronic knee pain
This information is provided directly by researchers and we recognise that it isn't always easy to understand. We are working with researchers to improve the accessibility of this information.
Chronic knee pain is a common problem. It can happen for a number of reasons, and it can make it difficult to walk and function in everyday life. The knee joint is complex, and a range of factors can lead to damage and pain. When the components of the knee are not working properly, pain, inflammation, and other symptoms can occur.
This study, which is funded by Versus Arthritis, aims to evaluate how feasible and acceptable two electronic rehabilitation (e-rehabilitation) programmes are when used to treat patients with chronic knee pain. The acceptability and experiences of the physiotherapists delivering the interventions will also be explored. The study will build on and expand for use in the UK, e-rehabilitation programmes that have been developed in Australia.
Start dates may differ between countries and research sites. The research team are responsible for keeping the information up-to-date.
The recruitment start and end dates are as follows:
2022 Protocol article in http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2022-063608 (added 30/06/2022)
You can take part if:
You may not be able to take part if:
1. Inflammatory arthritis including gout2. Joint replacement in the study knee3. An injection (e.g. steroid) into the study knee joint within the last month4. An arthroscopy (i.e. keyhole surgery) of the study knee joint in the last three months5. Enrolled in another research study involving an intervention for OA treatment or management6. Unable to comply with the study protocol7. Unable to understand written and spoken English
Below are the locations for where you can take part in the trial. Please note that not all sites may be open.
+44 (0)113-39-24878
+44 (0)113 392 4869
The study is sponsored by University of Leeds and funded by Versus Arthritis; National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) (UK).
Your feedback is important to us. It will help us improve the quality of the study information on this site. Please answer both questions.
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You can print or share the study information with your GP/healthcare provider or contact the research team directly.