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Anne Heaven, MPhil +44 1274382815

Nicol Kime, PhD +44 1274383441

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Be Part of Research - Trial Details - Primary Care Management of Osteoporosis in Older Women

Primary Care Management of Osteoporosis in Older Women


Open to: ALL

Age: 70.0 - N/A

Medical Conditions


This information is provided directly by researchers, and we recognise that it isn't always easy to understand. We are working with researchers to improve the accessibility of this information. In some summaries, you may come across links to external websites. These websites will have more information to help you better understand the study.

The Investigators aim to improve primary-care for older women with osteoporosis.

Older women they spoke with previously felt unseen, unimportant, unheard and uninformed. These women felt that bone/joint health was an important issue for women aged 70+. Osteoporosis is a disease that makes bones more breakable and can lead to significant pain, disability and death, costing approximately ÂŁ4.4 billion a year in the United Kingdom.

Women are four times more likely to have osteoporosis than men and suffer fractures earlier. Osteoporosis care is poor in primary care even though good guidelines are available.

The Investigators will work with older women and healthcare professionals to help guide the research. They have already looked at published research and will build on this. They will identify what is important for both older women and professionals to inform the first interview questions. The Investigators will ask older women and healthcare professionals about the diagnosis and treatment of osteoporosis. They will also ask them how they manage osteoporosis as a patient or care provider.

At regular intervals, the Investigators will look at the interview findings first and then share their thoughts with older women and professionals. Together they will explore what the interviews mean. These discussions may change the questions asked and who is interviewed next.

The Investigators will combine all the information from interviews to identify what works well and less well in osteoporosis care. They will check these findings against the guidelines. They will continue to work with older women and healthcare professionals to develop recommendations for improving care. The Investigators will also identify areas of further work.

They will share recommendations with healthcare commissioners and produce a summary for a variety of professional networks. They will also publish papers in journals aimed at healthcare professionals and produce a summary document and advice for older women to use.

Start dates may differ between countries and research sites. The research team are responsible for keeping the information up-to-date.  

The recruitment start and end dates are as follows:

Sep 2024 Mar 2025


Intervention Type : OTHER
Intervention Description : All usual care of osteoporosis in primary care

Intervention Arm Group : Older women;Primary healthcare professionals;

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You may not be able to take part if:

This is in the inclusion criteria above

Below are the locations for where you can take part in the trial. Please note that not all sites may be open.

  • Bradford Institute for Health Research
    West Yorkshire
    BD9 6RJ

The study is sponsored by Bradford Institute for Health Research and is in collaboration with National Institute for Health Research, United Kingdom.

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Read full details for Trial ID: NCT06431867
Last updated 03 February 2025

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