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Be Part of Research - Trial Details - A Study of Elafibranor in Adults With Primary Biliary Cholangitis and Inadequate Response or Intolerance to Ursodeoxycholic Acid.

A Study of Elafibranor in Adults With Primary Biliary Cholangitis and Inadequate Response or Intolerance to Ursodeoxycholic Acid.


Open to: ALL

Age: 18.0 - N/A

Medical Conditions

Liver Cirrhosis, Biliary

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The participants in this study will have confirmed PBC with inadequate response or intolerance to Ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA), which is a medication used in the management and treatment of cholestatic liver disease.

Primary biliary cholangitis is a slowly progressive disease characterised by damage of the bile ducts in the liver, leading to a build-up of bile acids which causes further damage. The liver damage in PBC may lead to scarring (cirrhosis). PBC may also be associated with multiple symptoms.

Many patients with PBC may require a liver transplant or may die if the disease progresses and a liver transplant is not done. This study will compare a daily dose of elafibranor (the study drug) to a daily dose of placebo (a dummy treatment).

The main aim of this study is to determine if elafibranor is better than placebo in reducing ALP levels to a normal value. High ALP levels in the blood can indicate liver disease.

There will be three periods in this study: A screening period (up to 8 weeks) to assess whether the participant can take part; a treatment period (up to 52 weeks) where eligible participants will be grouped as per their blood ALP levels and randomly assigned to either receive elafibranor or placebo, and a follow-up period (4 weeks) where participants' health will be monitored.

Participants will be twice as likely to receive elafibranor than placebo (2:1 ratio).

Participants will undergo blood sampling, urine collections, physical examinations, clinical evaluations, electrocardiograms (ECG: recording of the electrical activity of heart), ultrasound examinations (a noninvasive test that passes a probe over skin to look at the bladder, urinary tract, and liver), and Fibroscan® examinations (a noninvasive test that passes a probe on skin to measure stiffness of the liver).

They will also be asked to fill in questionnaires. Each participant will be in this study for up to 64 weeks (15 months).

Start dates may differ between countries and research sites. The research team are responsible for keeping the information up-to-date.  

The recruitment start and end dates are as follows:

Jul 2024 Oct 2026


Intervention Type : DRUG
Intervention Description : Round and orange film coated tablet of 80 mg.

Intervention Arm Group : Elafibranor 80 mg;

Intervention Type : OTHER
Intervention Description : Round and orange film coated tablet of placebo

Intervention Arm Group : Placebo;

You can take part if:

You may not be able to take part if:

This is in the inclusion criteria above

Below are the locations for where you can take part in the trial. Please note that not all sites may be open.

  • King's College Hospital
  • The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust - Freeman Hospital
    Newcastle Upon Tyne
  • Aberdeen Royal Infirmary NHS Grampian Grampian Health Board
  • Bradford Royal Infirmary - Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation
  • Frimley Park Hospital - Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust
  • Queen Elizabeth University Hospital - Greater Glasgow Health Board
  • Hull Royal Infirmary - Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
  • Ambrose King Centre-Royal London Hospital-Barts Health NHS Trust
  • Queen's Medical Centre - Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust
  • The Royal Free Hospital - Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust
  • John Radcliffe Hospital - Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Ipsen Clinical Study Enquiries See e mail

The study is sponsored by Ipsen

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Read full details for Trial ID: NCT06383403
Last updated 27 February 2025

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