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Contact the study team using the details below to take part. If there are no contact details below please ask your doctor in the first instance.
BioNTech clinical trials patient information
+49 6131 9084
Carcinoma Carcinoma, Squamous Cell Head and Neck Neoplasms Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Head and Neck Papilloma Recurrence
This information is provided directly by researchers and we recognise that it isn't always easy to understand. We are working with researchers to improve the accessibility of this information.
An open-label, controlled, multi-site, interventional, 2-arm, Phase II trial of BNT113 in combination with pembrolizumab vs pembrolizumab monotherapy as first line treatment in patients with unresectable recurrent or metastatic HPV16+ HNSCC expressing programmed cell death ligand -1 (PD-L1) with combined positive score (CPS) ≥1.
This trial has two parts.
Part A, an initial non-randomized Safety Run-In Phase to confirm the safety and tolerability at the selected dose range level of BNT113 in combination with pembrolizumab.
Part B, the Randomized part of the trial to generate pivotal efficacy and safety data of BNT113 in combination with pembrolizumab versus pembrolizumab monotherapy in the first line setting in patients with unresectable recurrent or metastatic HPV16+ HNSCC expressing PD-L1 with CPS ≥1.
For Part B, an optional pre-screening phase is available for all patients where patients' tumor samples may be submitted for central HPV16 DNA and central PD-L1 expression testing prior to screening into the main trial.
Start dates may differ between countries and research sites. The research team are responsible for keeping the information up-to-date.
The recruitment start and end dates are as follows:
You can take part if:
You may not be able to take part if:
This is in the inclusion criteria above
Below are the locations for where you can take part in the trial. Please note that not all sites may be open.
BioNTech clinical trials patient information
+49 6131 9084
The study is sponsored by BioNTech SE
Your feedback is important to us. It will help us improve the quality of the study information on this site. Please answer both questions.
You can print or share the study information with your GP/healthcare provider or contact the research team directly.