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The METRED-P study is a clinical study assessing the feasibility of implementing a Mediterranean style diet (MD) and time-restricted eating (TRE) in individuals with psoriasis. Participants will be randomly allocated to a MD,a MD with TRE,or a UK diet with TRE to adhere to for 12 weeks.
This study is funded by the Psoriasis Association and will contribute to the existing research exploring diet and psoriasis in the aim to derive dietary recommendations for individuals with psoriasis.
Psoriasis is an inflammatory skin condition affecting 2% of the UK population. It is part of a wider health problem as it significantly impacts life quality and is linked with cardio-metabolic disease. There is no cure for psoriasis and as an addition to conventional anti-psoriatic therapies,interest has emerged to introduce dietary advice such that patients can better manage their psoriasis.
The research exploring low calorie,gluten-free,and very low-calorie ketogenic diets,reports favourable effects in relation to improving the severity of psoriasis. There are no clinical studies examining the effect of a MD and TRE patterns on psoriasis severity,which are dietary patterns that reduce inflammation.
Volunteers will be eligible to participate if they are adults (18+ years),male or female,with mild-moderate psoriasis,with a body mass index greater or equal to 20.00 kg/m2 and less than or equal to 40.00 kg/m2,in absence of underlying health conditions,and is either not taking any tablet or injection treatments for psoriasis,or if on these treatments for psoriasis,is 6 months stable on the same dose.
The study will be conducted at King’s College London. Participants will attend a clinic visit at the start of the study for a fasting blood sample,psoriasis examination,blood pressure and body composition measurements. The diet interventions will be delivered by a Research Nutritionist as reoccurring 1:1 consultation sessions over 12 weeks. At the end of the study,participants will attend a final clinic visit to repeat the measures obtained at the initial clinic visit.
Start dates may differ between countries and research sites. The research team are responsible for keeping the information up-to-date.
The recruitment start and end dates are as follows:
Interventional type: Dietary;
You can take part if:
You may not be able to take part if:
The exclusion criteria are: - is taking Cyclosporine or Stelara in the past 3 months - is receiving or has received photo (light) therapies for psoriasis in the past 3 months - is a shift worker or is involved in shift work - is planning on international travel during the study period - is not weight stable or has attempted to lose weight during the past 6 months - diagnosis of a gluten,nut,peanut,fish,or shellfish allergy - diagnosis of a gluten or dairy intolerance - is following a restrictive diet/restricting food groups i.e vegan,vegetarian,gluten-free,or a Mediterranean style diet - is following any intermittent fasting regimes inclusive of 5:2,alternate day fasting or modified alternate day fasting,time-restricted eating over the past 6 months - reports a habitual eating window <12 h per day - reports a baseline healthy diet (e.g. > 5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day,1 serving of nuts per day,2 servings of whole grains per day,2 servings of fish per week,> 1 servings of nuts per day and rarely eats sweet snacks,cakes,fried foods and red meat ). - is taking fish oil or other dietary supplements (except daily multivitamins providing no more than 200% of UK dietary recommended values) - is currently pregnant,currently breastfeeding,or planning to become pregnant in the next 4 months - is or has been diagnosed in the past with any of the following: o Anaemia o Asthma o Cancer in the last five years (except non-melanoma skin cancer) o Cardiovascular disease (angina,congenital heart disease,coronary artery disease,heat attack,heart failure,or stoke) o Chronic gastrointestinal disease (Crohn's disease,ulcerative colitis,celiac disease,or malabsorption diseases) o Chronic kidney disease o Dementia o Eating disorders (anorexia,bulimia or binge eating disorder) o Insulin dependent diabetes o Liver disease o Lupus o Multiple sclerosis o Rheumatoid arthritis o Thyroid disease - has a history of bariatric surgery - has a history of substance abuse or alcoholism (past history of alcohol intake >60 units/men or 50 units/women) within the last 12 months - is taking medication likely to interfere with study outcomes e.g. steroids (except occasional use of inhalers),anti-inflammatories,or immune-suppressive drugs - is taking medication for blood pressure,but has not been on stable dosage during the last 3 months - is not on a stable topical treatment regimen for psoriasis (if prescribed) - is currently participating in a pharmaceutical study for psoriasis treatments (topical,light,tablet or injection therapies) or has participated in a pharmaceutical study < 3 months ago - is currently participating in another diet intervention study or has participated in a diet intervention study < 3 months ago - is unwilling to record dietary intakes using handwritten diet diaries - not fluent in the English language - reports to have fainted in the past during an intravenous blood test
Below are the locations for where you can take part in the trial. Please note that not all sites may be open.
The study is sponsored by King's College London and funded by THE PSORIASIS ASSOCIATION .
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for Trial ID: CPMS 58550
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