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Mood [affective] disordersSchizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders
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Affective Cognition in Depression & Schizophrenia Study:
Contributions of Familial and Environmental Risk
What is the purpose of this study?
This study is interested in affective cognition: how you learn, process and interact with emotional and social information. Affective cognition is an important component of psychological functioning. The study investigates how these processes may be affected in individuals with depression and schizophrenia and assesses the contributions of familial (genetic) and environmental (childhood trauma) risk. We are also interested in whether affective cognition may predict people’s well-being and how well they are able to function socially. Knowledge gained from this study may help develop personalised interventions based on affective cognition to help people have better outcomes.
What will taking part involve?
The study typically consists of 2-3 study visits, some online questionnaires, and a brief follow up phone interview 12 months after study completion. However, the participants will be given the option to complete the study tasks in fewer or more visits, depending on their preferences and availability. The study takes place at the University of Manchester but may also be partly conducted at local NHS sites or home visits depending on preference and availability.
During the study we will ask participants some questions about their medical and mental health history and their mood and feelings. They will also be asked to complete a number of computer tasks. Some tasks will involve responding to words, pictures, faces and shapes seen on the screen. Others will test memory, learning and attention using words and shapes.
Who is eligible?
Participants must be fluent in English and between 18-65 years old. We are recruiting several groups of participants, including individuals with (1) current depression, (2) schizophrenia, (3) an immediate relative with schizophrenia, and (4) with a history of early life stress.
Start dates may differ between countries and research sites. The research team are responsible for keeping the information up-to-date.
The recruitment start and end dates are as follows:
Observational type: Cross-sectional;
You can take part if:
You may not be able to take part if:
Exclusion criteria – all participants • History or presence of medical condition requiring centrally acting medications • History or presence of neurological disease (including but not limited to, for example, stroke, epilepsy, space occupying lesions, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, vascular dementia, transient ischemic attack, that may influence the outcome of any cognitive testing). • Clinically significant head injury (e.g., requiring medical or surgical intervention). • Neuroendocrine disorder, including impaired thyroid function and steroid use. • Unwillingness or inability to follow the procedures outlined in the protocol. • Female participants who are, or may be, pregnant. Additional exclusion criteria, MDD group: • Meeting criteria for current or past (moderate or severe) alcohol or substance use (as determined from MINI interview) • Current or past psychotic disorder or manic/hypomanic episode (as determined from MINI interview) • Primary diagnosis of current or past panic disorder, agoraphobia, social anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, bulimia nervosa or binge-eating disorder (as determined from MINI interview) • Current bulimia nervosa or binge-eating disorder and current or past anorexia (as determined from MINI interview) Additional exclusion criteria, SCZ group: • Meeting criteria for current (moderate or severe) or past (severe) alcohol or substance use (as determined from MINI interview)
Below are the locations for where you can take part in the trial. Please note that not all sites may be open.
The study is sponsored by University of Manchester and funded by Medical Research Council (MRC) .
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for Trial ID: CPMS 37167
You can print or share the study information with your GP/healthcare provider or contact the research team directly.