
Vaccine study team praises tailored and flexible recruitment tool

8 August 2024

ZosterFluCov is 1 of 40 trials actively using the Be Part of Research volunteer registry to recruit participants. 

The study is evaluating whether the shingles vaccine can be administered at the same time as either the flu or Covid-19 vaccine to help improve the uptake of the shingles vaccination.  

From the outset, the study team engaged Be Part of Research to help recruit adults aged 50 and over who had not received a shingles vaccine within 5 years.

“The ability to be selective - targeting certain regions of the country we want to recruit to - is a very useful feature. Having a system that is ready to plug into and allows for tailored recruitment has been very helpful.”

Dr Rajeka Lazarus, chief investigator for ZosterFluCov

Dr Lazarus had previously used the NIHR/NHS’s Vaccine Research Registry to recruit to studies during the pandemic. In 2022, the NIHR launched a new research registry, Be Part of Research, which covers all health and care specialties, including public health and social care studies. 

She recommended the study team use Be Part of Research to assist in achieving a recruitment target of 960 participants. 

While the study is currently paused until the next winter vaccination season, Be Part of Research has so far helped recruit 285 participants out of 870.  

Flexibly meeting study needs

ZosterFluCov is recruiting to 12 sites across the UK. Each site opened at different times between September 2023 and April 2024.

Be Part of Research was able to accommodate for this - sending out a new batch of email study invitations to suitable volunteers within the new site’s catchment area, as well as additional mail-outs for each site. 

Rachael Heys, trial portfolio lead for ZosterFluCov, said: “It was just a quick email to the Be Part of Research team to specify the mail-out that was needed - which tended to happen quite quickly.”

In total, Be Part of Research sent 14 mailouts to over 100,000 people registered to the service. 

She said the process - from setup to reporting - was smooth and that the team was easy to work with, providing useful information and guidance along the way. 

Rachael Heys added: “The process of setting it up was fairly straightforward. We completed the application online and had an initial meeting with a couple members of the team. 

“The template wording to go in our Research and Ethics Committee (REC) submission was really helpful and saved us time when seeking approval to recruit using the service.”

Find out more about which studies can use Be Part of Research and complete our study registration form to get started.