Nature lover takes part in eye research

For Cathy Hill, who lives on the Isle of Wight, it was the prospect of not being able to enjoy her incredible surroundings that pushed her to take part in research.

5 September 2023

The 61-year-old signed up to the PINNACLE study into Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) after she was diagnosed with drusens (small yellow deposits of protein and fat that develop under the retina).

The presence of many small and larger drusen is often an early sign of age-related macular degeneration (AMD). AMD is a common condition that affects vision, and in its late stage can cause blindness. 

For someone whose passion is mother nature it was at the back of her mind that she might be unlucky for it to develop into losing her normal eyesight.

“I just love mother nature and if I couldn’t see those things which I see on an everyday basis because of where we’re fortunate to live I think it would be quite devastating to be honest.”

- Cathy Hill

So when Cathy was offered to be part of this study she said: “Yes – any part that I can play in research to help find a cure for this disease, can only be a good thing.”

The PINNACLE Study aims to better understand the progression of AMD and the individual risk factors that contribute to this.

As part of the study, Cathy will attend St Mary’s Hospital 10 times. During each visit she will receive a series of eye scans and tests. Researchers also review her medication and any changes to her overall health.

“It’s really quite simple. I have to go to St Mary’s Hospital on the Island three times a year and they do various scans. When I turn up, I’m always treated a little bit like royalty. They’re always saying thank you to me the whole time all the way through.”

This is the first time Cathy has taken part in research. Not only is it “the right thing to do,” but she’s also aware that research could help to treat or prevent her condition from worsening. 

“Should my eyesight deteriorate, if there are any trials, I know my name will be in the hat. I’ll be one of the first in the queue for any possible trials,” she said.

Watch Cathy’s video to learn more about her journey on the trial and why she feels others should take part in research. 

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And if taking part in a study doesn’t feel right at the moment there are other ways to get involved in research.